A lot of network marketing business right now that are very successful in there career. But when it comes to the subject of generating network marketing business leads, different gurus have varying views. Some believe that it is important to understand the mystical voodoh of SEO and the “algorithms” of search engines. Others think that the offline approach of inviting prospects or giving stickers and flyers, cold calling and other traditional stuff still works today.

With all these techniques being taught by “experts”, what should you, the MLM (Multi Level Marketing) newbie or aspiring top earner, do to generate more leads? The key is to find what works for you. The question is How to find what works for you, you have to look at yourself and see what kind of person you are.

If you are the person who has no trouble approaching people and hitting up a conversation with them out of thin air, then the three foot rule of prospecting won’t be much of a problem for you. On the other hand, if you are a born writer and used to expressing your thoughts through written words, then article marketing or blogging are the perfect promotional strategy for you but there is still a lot to learn every now then.

Some people are sounds easy for them but some it is not, but if you think you can keep up with some technical “geeky” know how such as SEO, PPC, and RSS feeds, then by all means, use that to your advantage. Yes, you can learn multiple marketing strategies for your networking business, but at first it is important to capitalize on your strengths and already existing skills or talents.

You need to ask yourself this questions. What are your current strengths? Find out what you’re comfortable in and learn everything you can about that particular lead generation strategy. Once you experience initial success with your marketing efforts, rinse and repeat and refine! Who knows, you could be the next big top earner. So if you think you can do this job, don’t hesitate to start right now.