What would you say if you could win a $1000 Visa giftcard just by following and twittering on @creditloan. It is as easy as that to entered. This contest was created by CreditLoans or http://creditloan.com/ to show there appreciation to the public. It gives you a chance to express yourself about the economy, loans, cash advances, debt consolidation, credit reports and even their financial videos that may help you with getting a great loan. You could use @creditloan on twitter to ask any question you might have about credit and loans. And also be entered to win a chance at a $1000 Visa giftcard.

If this sounds like something that may interest you, which in this economy who would want to be entered to win $1000 Visa giftcard. It only takes fifteen seconds to enter and get your chance to win this great prize. You can also get alot of information by reading their twitter page as well as following either of the links above to get to CreditLoans website. You should also take time to look at all the contest rules on their website. They are offering this as a thank you to all their customers and potential customers. So why not enter the contest today, I know I am.
