Memorial Day celebrated here in the USA every last Monday of May in honor and in remembrance of our men and women who died while serving in Unites States Armed Forces. It is their American tradition to decorate and visit to their soldier graves with flowers. This started and originated after the Civil War to commemorate the soldiers that have died for the battle.

Now it still a continuous tradition to celebrate Memorial Day here in America. They celebrate this by visiting to cemeteries and put flowers to the graves. During this occasion many volunteers bring and put flag in each grave in national cemeteries in memory of those who died on their military service.  But in this 20th generation this becoming a long week-end and people are also shopping, family week-end gatherings, some parties, time for beach outing, many other national or media events, some doing their relaxation time and also they are people that they are having fireworks.

We know that a lot people traveling during this Memorial Weekend Holiday to visit with their families and love ones in memory of our soldier and military that died on their service to the country. This is a great holiday to celebrate with. We can’t have our freedom if we don’t have them and their unselfish service to the country it amazing and they even give their lives just to depend the country and the people.

This is an occasion that we need to pay attention and gives its importance. Remember that all these soldiers and military that serve they have to leave behind all the things and even families just to serve and fought to have our freedom that we have enjoyed here. Our military are the true heroes that we need to really pay attention and give tribute to their service that they have rendered to this country. Hope you have good time in your Memorial Day Celebration and Week-ends off.