I don’t have room to express my gratitude for all the blessings that I have received in my life. Spending my time with my family and friends is the best gift I could ever have in my life. I can’t buy or exchange that to any other things in life. But we will not only give thanks during this Thanksgiving Day. We need to be thankful and grateful in everyday of our life.

I am so bliss to have a wonderful husband that who loves me and accept me of who I am. Even though we are not bliss to have children or kids but I have so many things that I am thankful or grateful for.  As we celebrate this Thanksgiving Day we should always remember that it is not the fancy things that we need to be thankful for or what makes everyone’s happy. I know most of us are more excited for the shopping after Thanksgiving Day which is the Black Friday which is not the right attitude of celebrating Thanksgiving.

The best gift that we could have is the love of the family and our relationship with other people. Even though if you have all the richness of this whole world if we don’t have the love and peace of the family everything is useless and our life has no meaning at all.

I am so grateful for the blessings that God has given me and all the opportunities that come into my life. Good or bad I’d appreciate it much. We will not only appreciate for the good as well as bad. Problems are part of our experiences in this life so that we can appreciate the good things in life. We can also learn from our problems or bad things that happen in our life.

We will grow and become stronger the next time we have those problems or bad things. We will not only grateful for the blessings as well as the trials or problems that we will encounter in our day to day life. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and savor every moment of our life and we need to be grateful for all the blessings we received each day.