If you own an iPhone then you have used and downloaded an app from Apple’s iStore. This is what makes the iPhone so special and exciting to use and own. The app’s are how each of us personalize are iPhone to match our own likes and tastes. But have you ever considered designing your very own app for your iPhone that could help you with your daily life or your business?

When I first heard about this I thought to myself, I am not a programmer and I have never written an iPhone app before. Does that sound like you? What this also means is I do not know where to begin or get started, at least until now.

Then I stumbled onto Blue Whale, an iPhone app developer program designed to help you write your very own iPhone app that if you own or run a business could help you increase leads, increase revenue, increase company or brand awareness, increase customer loyalty, increase sharing and advocacy or even improve internal business operations to make it run more efficient, save time and even save money.

Their iOS app development efforts are being structured to make use of the new features of iOS 6. These apps encompass a range of brand, social media, and game centric products aimed to ease consumer outreach and communication for businesses, while maximizing customer satisfaction. This also means that with iOS 6 and app development you will be able to take advantage of the large social media giant Facebook and create your very own social media app that will run on not only the iPhone, but also the iPad and iPod if they have a wireless connection.

Now is your chance to make your daily life easier and staying connected to your favorite business or design an iPhone app that you can share with everyone you know to have fun and release stress. This is something many of us need to do. Once you have completed your iPhone app using the iPhone app development program stop back and share it with me. I would love to check it out.